35year old male presented with SOB
CASE 35 yrs old Male resident of LB nagar, occupation sugar dealer came to opd with chief complaints of blood in the stools ,SOB ,easy fatigability ,itching all over the body since 1mn. HOPI : Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1mn back then he observed blood in the stools not associated with pain during defecation . He complaints of easy fatigability,SOB while doing work and lifting little weights also. History of itching all over the body ,due to itching there are small hyperpigmented patches on both upper and lower limbs since 1mn. PAST HISTORY : Similar complaints 1 yr back (blood in stools for 15 days) N/k/c/o Hypertension, diabetes,asthma, epilepsy,CAD DAILY ROUTINE : He wakes up at 5 am and does his daily routine ,eats breakfast at 8:30 and goes to work at 9am , afternoon he takes alcohol and comes home and eats lunch and sleeps until 5 or 6pm ,then again he goes out , drinks alcohol and comes home and does his dinner and goes to bed at 10 pm. PAST HISTORY: Similar c...